Did you know? Drivers using mobile phones are 4X more likely to be involved in a crash. (WHO)
These numbers are growing constantly and are not even going to stop because of the inappropriate driving habits of people on the road.
Taking precautions while driving any vehicle is a foremost priority of every individual to protect themselves as well as their loved ones.
In this blog post, we’re going to take an extensive overview of these preventive measures so that you will be safeguarded from these potential threats.
Let’s get started!
Just Buckle Up
Buckle up every time you get into your car, regardless of how short the drive is, whether you just want to pop to the store and right back, or how annoying the seat belt is.
It can be a literal lifesaving device and radically reduce the risk and severity of injuries should you get into an incident with another person. The professional team behind Malloy Law Offices explains that it will also be much easier for an attorney to defend your case when they can prove you took basic safety precautions and were not to blame for the accident.
Seatbelts ensure safety! Place the lap belt across your hips and not your stomach, and the shoulder belt across the center of your chest and down below your neck, as misuse of the seat belt can have gnarly consequences.
Drive Sober
Countless deaths, injuries, and tragedies were caused directly by drunk driving, which is a felony in every state or country. These tragic events can severely damage the mental and financial health of your loved ones.
It really could not be simpler; if you are impaired, don’t get behind the wheel. Call a friend or family member, arrange a taxi or an Uber, or get on a bus or train; there are plenty of options that get you home safely and without risking the safety of anyone else.
Pay Attention
When driving, being distracted for even a second or two can mean the difference between life and death. Texting on your phone, playing music too loudly, adjusting the heating, navigation, or entertainment system, or anything else that diverts your attention from the road—especially when driving at high speeds—poses a danger.
In many states and countries, texting or even holding a cell phone is illegal. Your full, undivided attention needs to be on the road and what is on it. Again, this only gets more important the faster you are driving, and many incidents only happen because they overlook the situations and speed intensity of roads.
Did you know? Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29 years. (UN)
Speed Limits
Speed limits exist for a reason, and when you fail to follow them, you put yourself, other automobile riders, and all the other inhabitants on the road in completely unnecessary danger. It also increases the risk of developing more serious injuries should you get into an accident.
The range of the legal speed limit varies from location to location, which is surrounded by different conditions of domains and climate tendencies. Let’s look at the speed limitations of numerous countries.
Highway limit
City limit
120 km/h
50 km/h
137 km/h
89 km/h
130 km/h
50 km/h
100 km/h
50 km/h
Don’t Drive Drowsy
Taking efficient sleep regularly is very crucial for human body functions, as basic motor functions and thinking become difficult to do when you have not slept enough for some time, everything becoming sluggish and almost muddy.
This can be boring, repeating the same things in our day-to-day lives, but it can be lethal when driving, as alert, sharp reaction times are a literal necessity for survival on the roads.
If you take medications that blunt your nerves and reaction speed, ensure you ask your physicians if that is safe for you or not. So that you won’t be getting prone to unwanted mishaps.
If you find yourself driving during the peak tiredness periods, so basically at night, be on high alert for any signs of drowsiness, and as soon as you notice impending sleep, stop somewhere and take a nap if necessary. Nothing is worth your safety or life.
Intriguing Insights This graph here shows the different collision conditions that cause major accidents.
Talk To Your Teen
Not only is driving carefully a mandate for you but your loved ones also, including children who are infants and your teen kids who have the adrenaline to drive cars.
Talk to your teens, share your story, give them hints and things to watch out for, and make sure they know how serious their responsibility is and how serious the consequences can be if they don’t drive themselves.
Teens are often careless and lighthearted, which is well and good, as long as they drive like adults and know what they are doing. Give them driving only a few times daily while you sit back and observe, so you can give them advice on what they are doing wrong or what they could improve.
Look Ahead
When driving, make sure you are focused far ahead, not necessarily on what is immediately in front of you, especially when you are driving fast. This will let you check the unforeseen threats on the roads.
Take in everything that you observe, process, and react to; those are the basics of driving, and yet too many people downplay or forget them. Driving is a preferred method of travel that is fast, convenient, and independent, but also comes with a lot of safety risks. We all have to do our part in conserving the roads and the people on them, ensuring safety, and driving responsibly.