Effective Steps to Learn Solidity Quickly
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- What Are the Benefits of Learning Solidity?
- How Long Does It Take to Learn?
- How Can I Learn Solidity Effectively and Quickly?
- Learn Other Complimentary Languages
- Familiarize Yourself with the Code
- Master the Basics of Solidity
- Solve Practice Problems
- Indulge in Advanced Training
- Try It out on Your Own
- Conclusion
Solidity is a Turing complete programming language that allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) platform.
You can use it in several different ways, from creating smart contracts to creating websites that mint and sell tokens.
Solidity can serve as your introduction to blockchains and how to create one on your own.
Before we delve into the effective steps to learn Solidity quickly, it is important to understand a bit more about the background of the language and the many benefits of learning it.
What Are the Benefits of Learning Solidity?
There are quite a few benefits of learning Solidity ranging from higher job security to the ability to create decentralized applications.
You can even reap the benefits of having a diverse coding background if you ever wish to change your job industry, as Solidity programmers are always in demand. Learning Solidity is enough to allow you to enter the blockchain world if you are looking for a career change
All of these benefits also ensure a high return on investment when it comes to the time and money spent on learning the language.
And, of course, the pay is great. A couple of thousand dollars spent on training boot camps seem like nothing when you compare it to the six-figure salaries that blockchain developers get from the skills they learned in these boot camps.
How Long Does It Take to Learn?
The time it takes to learn Solidity varies quite a bit depending on the difficulty level they want to reach and their previous experience with coding in other languages.
A person who has years of coding experience in a wide range of coding languages such as Python, HTML, and JavaScript can learn Solidity as fast as in a few months.
However, beginners might need to spend a lot of time working on their foundational knowledge. Your aim should be to code well, not to code quickly as learning fast does not necessarily mean that you’ve learned well.
This is precisely why we have curated this guide which will guide you through effective steps to learn Solidity quickly.
How Can I Learn Solidity Effectively and Quickly?
The key to learning Solidity quickly is a little tricky. Solidity is not a language that you should start learning without any prior coding knowledge or experience.
Doing so will only result in incomplete knowledge of how coding languages work and an inability to apply creative solutions to advanced problems. So it’s recommended that you gain some experience in other programming languages first.
Learn Other Complimentary Languages
As mentioned before, while Solidity is considered a rather easy language to learn, that is only the case for experienced developers. This is why we suggest that you learn other languages before you start your solidity developer training.
Begin with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Solidity looks a lot like JavaScript and Dart. So you can even learn Dart if you want, although that’s not a very popular choice.
Knowing these languages will help you immensely as a beginner and can guarantee that you quickly grasp the advanced knowledge that the EVM platform requires.
Moreover, with the holistic knowledge of coding, you can become an industry expert too and easily grab a high-paying job.
Familiarize Yourself with the Code
Once you have learned to code in basic programming languages, you will be able to at least decipher some of the Solidity codes to an extent. This puts you on a strong foothold to familiarize yourself with the language even further.
To get comfortable with programming in Solidity, watch some good videos on how other developers are using Solidity and the problems they are solving with the language.
You do not even have to follow the tutorials if you do not want to as this step of the process is only to familiarize yourself with the language.
These videos will help you get used to the coding environment, the limitations of the EVM platform, the power of Solidity, the concept of smart contacts, and even the impact of blockchain technology.
Furthermore, many coders who upload these videos also post their code on open-source platforms for easy access. This way you can see how their code is running and examine the parts that seem unfamiliar.
Master the Basics of Solidity
Once you have learned the other languages and familiarized yourself with the Solidity environment, it is time for you to study Solidity deeply.
Mastering the basics is essential to leverage the power of its use cases. So the next step for you is to practice concepts like functions, integers, strings, and arrays.
Similarly, you should also know what fungible and non-fungible tokens are and how to create them.
Practising these will ensure that your foundational knowledge of the language and the platform is adequate to move on to an advanced stage.
Besides, at this point, a working knowledge of smart contracts along with some experience in unit testing will also be extremely beneficial.
Solve Practice Problems
The next step in the process of learning Solidity effectively and quickly is to solve practice problems. You can examine your expertise in specific areas of Solidity programming by looking for free practice problems and tutorials online.
Moreover, these resources also give you access to the solutions, so you can self-check your learning under expert guidance instead of having to figure it out all on your own.
Not only will solving practice problems make you better at writing Solidity codes, but also help you in creating a project portfolio. You can use this portfolio when you apply for the job of a Solidity developer to showcase your knowledge and expertise.
By having a portfolio full of projects that show how much you have practised with React, Web3JS, and smart contracts, you can assure employers that you are qualified for the position that you are interviewing for.
Indulge in Advanced Training
One of the crazy things about Solidity is that even experts in the language claim that it is easy to learn but quite hard t master.
Online course providers such as RareSkills.io report that even professional Solidity developers on average scored a failing grade when tested for advanced problem-solving.
This is why it is extremely necessary to opt for advanced training before pursuing a job opportunity. There is nothing worse than securing a great position and realizing that you are not fit for the role.
To avoid this, you should look into a Solidity developer training program that is curated for existing Solidity developers looking to upskill by acquiring advanced knowledge.
Furthermore, you’ll feel much more confident while creating smart contracts because of the deep understanding that an advanced course will equip you with. Since smart contracts deployed on the blockchain cannot be changed once launched, you have to make sure that you are doing everything right.
Going into this field with an incomplete understanding of smart contracts and the implications of your deployed contracts can leave you in difficult situations.
Poorly written contracts can open you up to network attacks which can cost companies millions and even cost you a job or your credibility.
Try It out on Your Own
Once you are confident in your skills as a Solidity programmer, it is time to make it a little bit more fun.
What you can do is try making applications on your own and see how they’re accepted by the users.
For example, many use cases for Solidity included Apps tokens or applications that require some form of crowdsourcing transactions. To get some practice, you can build your crowdfunding application or take a stab at creating an audience voting system.
These types of activities can help highlight and emphasize the knowledge gaps in your understanding of the language. You will never be able to learn if you do not branch out and leave your comfort zone.
Once you start practicing like this, you will become more aware of the topics that stump you and work on finding specific solutions online to implement in your code.
While these are the basic steps to learning and mastering Solidity programming, there is no lack of other things that you can do to further your knowledge in the field.
That is the beauty of the fintech industry and learning in general. There is so much innovation happening every second that it is exhilarating to keep up with the pace of advancement. This is so prevalent in the field right now that many courses that were created 5-7 years ago are now outdated already.
With platforms updating and adding new features every day, there is no better time to start learning Solidity.
By learning other complementary languages, familiarizing yourself with Solidity code, mastering the basics, and indulging in advanced training, you too can be a Solidity expert in no time.
Try your hand at boot camps and workshops to see the power of Solidity before you are ready to leverage it for your decentralized apps.