Decoding What Does OPS Mean on Snapchat? (2024)

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  • What Does OPS Mean on Snapchat?
  • Where to Use OPS on Snapchat?
  • How to Respond to an OPS text?
  • Reasons For Using OPS on Snapchat?
  • How OPS is Used in Different Contexts
  • Influence of OPS on Online Engagement
  • Other Meanings of OPS
  • FAQs

In the emerging digital realm, we keep coming across new and unique acronyms, which puts us in a state of confusion. Acronyms like KMS and ISTG have become a currency of expression, which is an efficient and quick way for people to interact with one another.  

One such acronym is OPS, which stands for “Opinions”, and is frequently used on social media platforms to acquire opinions. Keep reading to explore what does OPS mean on Snapchat, how and when to use it, its influence on online engagement, and more.

Quick Answer: 

On Snapchat, OPS refers to ‘Opinions’. This is used to ask someone’s opinion on something or someone.

What Does OPS Mean on Snapchat?

Internet slang terms have become a trend in recent years. It helps people communicate effortlessly without having to type long sentences.

Snapchat lets a user not only text but also send live pictures and videos, which is why this is the best platform to use acronyms like OPS and TTM (Talk To Me). When your Snapchat friend sends you a streak with the caption “OPS on me!”. It simply means they are asking for your opinion of themselves, like what you think about them. 

OPS is a commonly used acronym that means “Opinions” or “Opinions on Me”. This is commonly asked as a question to inquire about how the other person feels about you.

Where to Use OPS on Snapchat?

OPS on Snapchat is used to learn about people’s opinions about a particular thing. We have accumulated a few places where OPS is used,

  1. Your profile

    A lot of people on social media platforms use OPS on their stories and streaks to ask people’s opinions about themselves.

  1. Replying to someone’s story

    It’s a common thing for people to post something on their stories to get a general opinion. You can reply to the story by giving your genuine opinion on the matter. 

  1. Text message

    Though lots of people use it in their stories, some can even ask “OPS on me” in text messages. This is also done to get your opinion on something.

Now you know how and where OPS is used on Snapchat, but let’s see how you can reply to an OPS text.

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How to Respond to an OPS text?

While chatting with someone, you suddenly receive an “OPS” text, which makes you wonder how to reply to that text. So worry not; we are here to tell you how you should reply to an OPS text message.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind, 

  1. Take your time to think about your response.
  2. Be honest, but don’t forget to be kind.
  3. Consider what type of relationship you share with the person.
  4. Focus on the positive aspects.
  5. If you have a negative opinion, make it into constructive criticism.

For example, 

Friend: OPS on my dress? 👗

You: It’s pretty and looks good on you! 😍

Now you know how to reply to OPS text messages.

Reasons For Using OPS on Snapchat?

Here are a bunch of reasons why OPS is used on Snapchat,

  1. Quick chatting

    On social media, people prefer to do the talking with lots of abbreviations so that they can talk more with the least amount of words. This helps save time and makes the overall chatting process fast.

  1. Ice breaking 

    The phrase is also used to initiate conversation between people. When someone asks “OPS on me fr”, this can be the icebreaker or a good start between two people.

  1. Sharing views & thoughts

    When it comes to Snapchat, everyone imagines Snap stories and streaks. These features of the app help make the users share their thoughts and views easily. They can share feedback or ask for feedback using acronyms like OPS.

These are some of the reasons why OPS is used in text messages.

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How OPS is Used in Different Contexts

OPS meaning ‘Opinions’, is a flexible term and can be used in a bunch of ways on Snapchat. Such as,

  1. Check for availability

    We’ve already established the fact that Snapchat is widely used to stay connected to friends and family. So people can text one another, “OPS for dinner tomorrow?” or “OPS for girls’ night upcoming Saturday? ”. You can see that here, OPS is used to check if people are open and available to hang out.

  1. Asking for Opinion

    Since Snapchat offers a story as well as a streaks option on their app, your friend can ask you or post a story saying, “OPS on me”, or “OPS on my outfit”. In this scenario, they want to know your opinion of them or their outfit.

These were the two contexts one can use the OPS acronym on Snapchat.

Influence of OPS on Online Engagement

OPS is a great way to kick-start a conversation as it makes people feel that their opinions are valued, which makes them more indulged in your content. 

When you post “OPS on me” or “OPS on my outfit”, on your Snapchat story. This gives your audience a chance to provide their feedback, which makes them more connected to your content. You gain loyal followers who will keep in touch with your content and help increase your overall engagement. 

Also Read: What Does RS Mean on Snapchat? A Mystery Acronym 

Other Meanings of OPS

Mentioned below are other OPS meanings on Snapchat,

  • Operations – Refers to the daily activities of someone.
  • Opportunities – A chance of something.
  • Opposition – Means rivals.
  • Options – Refers to have choices.
  • Outpatient Surgery – It is a medical situation.
  • Office of Public Safety – This is a government body.
  • Opponent – Refers to rivalries.

Modern times require modern solutions! 

Hence, people have shifted to using more and more acronyms like DND and OPS in their virtual lives. These not only allow you to have efficient communication without having to use lots of words but also let you know how the other person feels about something or someone.

Now you know what does OPS mean on Snapchat and are well-versed with its usage, so go on and use it in your daily chatting. And for more such fancy lingo and abbreviations, keep visiting!

Also Read: What Does the Gold Heart Mean on Snapchat: Your Full Guide to Snapchat Emojis 💛


Ans: OPS is an acronym that means, “Opinions” in texting. This is used in texting to know your opinions on a particular thing or person.

Ans: OPS is an abbreviation that has a lot of meaning. Like opinions, opposition, original poster, options, opportunities, opponent, etc.

Ans: Famously, OPS refers to opinions, but it also has a lot of other acronyms. Among these are opposition or enemies, so yes, OPS does mean enemies.

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